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Y5/6 Residential Trip to Birch Hall May 2022
Blenheim and Discovery proudly present their 2021 Carol Concert
Bramley and Pippin proudly present their production of Away in a Manger
Year 6 leavers
Presenting Bramley and Pippin Easter Sing-a-long
Pippin Home Learning
Bramley Home Learning
Celebration Assemblies
Secrets of Success- our learning behaviours
Friday challenge
Story time for KS1
Blenheim Home Learning
Discovery Home Learning
World Book Day 2021
Presenting Bramley and Pippin Production of Prickly Hay
KS2 Carol Concert
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Bradfield Primary School
Story time for KS1
Mrs Quince reads 'Alfie Gives a Hand' by Shirley Hughes
Mrs Quince reads 'Alfie Gives a Hand' by Shirley Hughes
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Mrs Quince reads Floss by Kim Lewis
Mrs Luck-Davies reads After the Storm by Nick Butterworth
Mrs Whitworth reads Some Dogs Do by Jez Alborough
Mrs Pavitt reads Snore! by Michael Rosen
Miss Page reads Little Monkey by Marta Altes