Pippin Home Learning

Leo and the Octopus

Mrs Quince reading our latest book 'Leo and the Octopus.'

Phonics Session Set 3 04.03.21 'ear' hear with your ear

Phonics session 3.3.21 ir and ur

Recap of set 3 sounds

Phonics session set 3 sounds 2.3.21 air and are

Year 1 maths base 10 (place value) 2.3.21

Phonics session set 3 sounds 1.3.21 or and aw

Maths 26.02. 21 Block diagrams

An activity to support work on Block Diagrams

Phonics Session Set 3 26 2 21 u-e huge brute recap

Phonics Session Set 3 25.2.21 Recap aw yawn at dawn and or shut the door

Phonics session 24.2.21 set 3 sounds igh and i-e

Garden centre recount for 24.2.21

Year 1 Maths 24.2.21 Venn diagrams

Phonics session 23.2.21 Set 3 sounds ay and a-e

Year 1 Maths - creating a tally chart 23.2.21

Year 1 Maths 22.2.21 Sorting

Phonics session 22.2.21 Set 3 ee and ea

Set 3 Phonics 11.02.21 Recap 'tious cious' scrumptious and delicious

With practise of holding and writing a sentence, alien words and red words.

Phonics session set 3 sounds recap 10.2.21

Year 2 Money 10.2.21

Year 1 Compare numbers 10.2.21

Safer Internet Day 2021

Year 1 Maths 9.2.21 bar model

Phonics session set 3 sounds 9.2.21 recap

D&T Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Phonics session 9.2.21 recap set 3 sounds

Year 2 Monday 8,2,21 Money

Set 3 Phonics 05/02/2021 'e' - he, we, she, me, be

With practise of alien words and red words.

Set 3 Phonics 04.02.21 tious cious scrumptious and delicious

Phonics session set 3 sounds 3.2.21 tion pay attention it's a celebration

Year 1 addition and subtraction for Wednesday 3.2.21

Year 2 subtraction crosses 2.2.21

Phonics session set 3 sounds 2.2.21 ure sure it's pure

Phonics session Set 3 sounds 1.2.21 ear hear with your ear

Year 2 addition crosses

Phonics Session Set 3 29 1 21 ire fire fire!

Word Problem Solving using arrays 29 1 21

Set 3 Phonics 28.01.21 ew chew the stew

with practise and recap of u_e huge brute and oo poo at the zoo

27.1.21 Year 2 Dividing by 10

Phonics session set 3 sounds (oa) goat in a boat

27.1.21 English; Troll's letter of complaint

Phonic session set 3 sounds (ai) 26.1.21

26.01.21 English: The Three Billy Goats Gruff Story

Read along with Mrs Quince, see if you can join in with the repeated phrases.

Year 2 dividing by 5 25.1.21

Year 1 sharing 25.1.21

Story hunt for English 25.1.21

Phonics session 25.1.21 Set 3 ou shout it out and ow brown cow

Set 3 Phonics 22 1 21 er better letter

A video focusing on the sound er better letter

Phonics Set 3 21 1 21 ur nurse with purse

with a recap of ir whirl and twirl and a look at er better letter

Year 2 division using a numberline

Phonics Set 3 20 1 21 are care and share

With recap of air that's not fair

19.01.21 Set 3 Phonics aw yawn at dawn

Video includes aw yawn at dawn and or shut the door

History: The Great Escape

A re-telling of the Great Escape through story and video.

Maths starter for week beginning 18th January

Body counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s

Mrs Quince reads The Tunnel by Anthony Browne

For English- 18th January

Phonics session set 3 18.1.21

Focus on u-e, ew and oo

Phonics session set 3 15.1.21

Phonics session set 3 14.1.21

Session on igh and split sound i-e

Phonics session 13.1.21

Todays session - a-e with a recap on ay

Phonics session set 3 sounds 12.1.21

Focus on oi with a recap of oy

Set 3 sounds

ee and ea


3D shapes

Maths 11th January